#MachineLearning could be the next Excel when it comes to job skills https://t.co/6JKq4eatx7 pic.twitter.com/9obTwlQ2qu
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 17, 2017
Thursday, November 30, 2017
#MachineLearning could be the next Excel when it comes to job skills
Stephen Hawking and COSMOS Unlock the Secrets of the Universe
Stephen Hawking and COSMOS Unlock the Secrets of the Universe https://t.co/NuyDPXpqGd pic.twitter.com/89hFHplkWy
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) November 30, 2017
Andy Isherwood's Hybrid Life
Andy Isherwood's Hybrid Life https://t.co/RxHzZBNVZA pic.twitter.com/ogwJZx8jCp
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 17, 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Satellites support #IoT
Satellites support #IoT https://t.co/sqMmJHAaZv pic.twitter.com/BIOllyAVgy
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 16, 2017
#ITsecurity starts with the supply chain by @DavidChernicoff on @enterprisenxt
#ITsecurity starts with the supply chain by @DavidChernicoff on @enterprisenxt https://t.co/pjIaPJOO2b pic.twitter.com/ueDiJoqmxw
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 16, 2017
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Ten Strategies for Success in a Smarter #Digital World on @ITProPortal
Ten Strategies for Success in a Smarter #Digital World on @ITProPortal https://t.co/UDinWFdPlD pic.twitter.com/XsVcoqxXXN
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 16, 2017
IT as a service: Cornerstone of the digital enterprise on @enterprisenxt
IT as a service: Cornerstone of the digital enterprise on @enterprisenxt https://t.co/PXrf71dDSe pic.twitter.com/nbP9RLM1my
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 16, 2017
Monday, November 27, 2017
Congratulations to @Mesosphere (an @HPE-backed company) on being named @WEF Tech Pioneer today. Way to go @Flo!
Congratulations to @Mesosphere (an @HPE-backed company) on being named @WEF Tech Pioneer today. Way to go @Flo! https://t.co/gAAM0le5lS pic.twitter.com/aGOPctlIfp
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 16, 2017
NYC CTO @MiguelGamino on the impact of broadband and #IoT
NYC CTO @MiguelGamino on the impact of broadband and #IoT https://t.co/0SgyA7HyJL pic.twitter.com/HUlq9B5SMY
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 16, 2017
Sunday, November 26, 2017
In 2020, #cybersecurity will use anti-targeted attack solutions and threat deception
In 2020, #cybersecurity will use anti-targeted attack solutions and threat deception https://t.co/rsZxSOhlsp pic.twitter.com/yNBCEEzNz0
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 16, 2017
11 key #IoT trends, from compute at the edge to LPWANs
11 key #IoT trends, from compute at the edge to LPWANs https://t.co/Rv1HxrWhkB pic.twitter.com/6aN9Qv8mPd
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 16, 2017
Saturday, November 25, 2017
News and sports websites 'vulnerable to attack' - BBC News
News and sports websites 'vulnerable to attack' - BBC News https://t.co/zYAQ5x01hy pic.twitter.com/OdyvrTxUlL
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 15, 2017
Connectivity blooms at @RJBOTANICO
Connectivity blooms at @RJBOTANICO https://t.co/5vrg842V2w pic.twitter.com/Xsjm89SkPh
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 15, 2017
Friday, November 24, 2017
When will #AI exceed human performance?
When will #AI exceed human performance? https://t.co/vG0MfnO3TY pic.twitter.com/yQy5SOflS2
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 15, 2017
#HPC, #bigdata and #cloudcomputing: the way forward to the future of mankind. @Andrea_Monaci #Cloud28+ #cloud
#HPC, #bigdata and #cloudcomputing: the way forward to the future of mankind. @Andrea_Monaci #Cloud28+ #cloud https://t.co/UjPZk41SVX pic.twitter.com/IOqfkPeKn9
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 15, 2017
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Use of IoT sensors and advanced analytics is a profound change for both business and #IT
Use of IoT sensors and advanced analytics is a profound change for both business and #IT https://t.co/HCLr2s3llN pic.twitter.com/nGrZwBKimd
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 15, 2017
5 Steps to #DigitalTransformation Success by @SeanMMasters on @ITProPortal
5 Steps to #DigitalTransformation Success by @SeanMMasters on @ITProPortal https://t.co/HF4XMN3zk1 pic.twitter.com/4mp87r4ACI
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 15, 2017
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
How the rise of #Hyperconverged and #Composable Infrastructure threatens public #cloud dominance
How the rise of #Hyperconverged and #Composable Infrastructure threatens public #cloud dominance https://t.co/IJqiPC8Sbd pic.twitter.com/SH9IVPLXjb
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 15, 2017
Researchers invent new way to test self-driving cars that could save 99.9% testing time and cost
Researchers invent new way to test self-driving cars that could save 99.9% testing time and cost https://t.co/emilD47eui pic.twitter.com/MG5mPHXtNu
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 15, 2017
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Rise of the machines: who is the #IoT good for?
Rise of the machines: who is the #IoT good for? https://t.co/OqO9TPnVsK pic.twitter.com/qtOG7VE1DN
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 14, 2017
Use of IoT sensors and advanced analytics is a profound change for both business and #IT
Use of IoT sensors and advanced analytics is a profound change for both business and #IT https://t.co/6ArkehR5hA pic.twitter.com/izHajpHLJk
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 14, 2017
Monday, November 20, 2017
Technology for social good and innovation
Technology for social good and innovation https://t.co/5tHcGrVV8i pic.twitter.com/Wjbc8s6lny
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 14, 2017
AI will start making judgments on things like we do when we drive our cars through image recognition & analyisis
#AI will start making judgments on things like we do when we drive our cars through image recognition & analyisis https://t.co/zDxE3k2qQd pic.twitter.com/7VyFFVov61
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 14, 2017
Sunday, November 19, 2017
#AI struggles to recognize behaviors such as eating doughnuts or drinking beer
#AI struggles to recognize behaviors such as eating doughnuts or drinking beer https://t.co/PAv9tfu67p pic.twitter.com/Y2xVpuUQ7Z
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 14, 2017
Lessons for healthcare leaders: 4 ways to encourage wellness
Lessons for healthcare leaders: 4 ways to encourage wellness https://t.co/clfSMw7DrZ pic.twitter.com/Z7J9HlpwLf
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 14, 2017
Saturday, November 18, 2017
The IoT is happening - now it’s time to fix its security
The IoT is happening - now it’s time to fix its security https://t.co/9L1WdG8Fk1 pic.twitter.com/RJmG4WUzm1
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 14, 2017
Social media experts & politicians must work together to regulate political advertising online
Social media experts & politicians must work together to regulate political advertising online https://t.co/EoYgBeAw3w pic.twitter.com/AFrDxuEEME
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 14, 2017
Friday, November 17, 2017
Businesses will ‘live or die’ based on how they adapt to a world in which ‘everything computes’
Businesses will ‘live or die’ based on how they adapt to a world in which ‘everything computes’ https://t.co/dTyDqxgLkl pic.twitter.com/wBNgZ5GjIg
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 13, 2017
Okay, so you're interested in #MachineLearning...
Okay, so you're interested in #MachineLearning... https://t.co/VfjS98SxVt pic.twitter.com/8RfuPnhBuf
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 13, 2017
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Digitization in the Automotive Industry: PreparingforUncertainty #IA #automatization
Digitization in the Automotive Industry: PreparingforUncertainty #IA #automatization https://t.co/WFf4DHZNV1 pic.twitter.com/Huf4zy0dm2
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 13, 2017
Check out this great review on #HPE #Superdome X! #HPECustomerStories #x86 #highperformanceserver #mybaby
Check out this great review on #HPE #Superdome X! #HPECustomerStories #x86 #highperformanceserver #mybaby https://t.co/mZAiPjtNMG pic.twitter.com/NpLMkWFFhj
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 13, 2017
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
War of the machines: The opportunities in machine learning for businesses
War of the machines: The opportunities in machine learning for businesses https://t.co/vPA8pG3x3C pic.twitter.com/qUeJFyIeNc
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 13, 2017
Scientists slash computations for deep learning: 'Hashing' can eliminate more than 95 percent of computations
Scientists slash computations for deep learning: 'Hashing' can eliminate more than 95 percent of computations https://t.co/Xco1fFcb8k pic.twitter.com/D3hCyqIiXL
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 13, 2017
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
#MachineLearning is teaching computers to search for new atom combinations to produce new materials
#MachineLearning is teaching computers to search for new atom combinations to produce new materials https://t.co/A1KqgHTOzC pic.twitter.com/GiObrZHz9G
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 13, 2017
#AI for #GoodGlobalSummit
#AI for #GoodGlobalSummit https://t.co/DU0zuZiGNU pic.twitter.com/gpMBsrEo5A
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 12, 2017
Monday, November 13, 2017
How #IoT is changing the way we drive
How #IoT is changing the way we drive https://t.co/S5RpR9tN0b pic.twitter.com/6QTtXzt775
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 12, 2017
DreamWorks Animation + HPE – Accelerating Next-Generation Entertainment
DreamWorks Animation + HPE – Accelerating Next-Generation Entertainment https://t.co/yXmQYim2um
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 12, 2017
Sunday, November 12, 2017
People throughout your organization are pursuing the new. But does all that activity add up to a strategy?
People throughout your organization are pursuing the new. But does all that activity add up to a strategy? https://t.co/WRJ40m1ygr pic.twitter.com/zZu9bpta54
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 12, 2017
Smart Storage Boxes
Smart Storage Boxes https://t.co/F6kSRXfwpy pic.twitter.com/q2VcxtECdA
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 11, 2017
Saturday, November 11, 2017
This book integrates new theory and new research findings into the framework of a "free innovation paradigm"
This book integrates new theory and new research findings into the framework of a "free innovation paradigm" https://t.co/jPAQFM60Zj pic.twitter.com/jqnH5OQ6FQ
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 11, 2017
New computing platform seeks adventurous developers
New computing platform seeks adventurous developers https://t.co/10uOZnFtjc pic.twitter.com/YeiacFHMIR
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 10, 2017
Friday, November 10, 2017
If you want happy users, design applications that can function remotely!
If you want happy users, design applications that can function remotely! https://t.co/PTwHPGSMOy pic.twitter.com/YlpFZ9yxgG
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 10, 2017
@DigitalHeMan shares what execs need to know about #HybridIT security
.@DigitalHeMan shares what execs need to know about #HybridIT security https://t.co/IBEnaMsu85 pic.twitter.com/KbzVWJMYrg
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 9, 2017
Thursday, November 09, 2017
Smart farming, IoT only way to feed growing population, says Beecham report
Smart farming, IoT only way to feed growing population, says Beecham report https://t.co/7pB8xcGmod pic.twitter.com/TTeqCpeZYy
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 9, 2017
@psc_live built poker-playing AI that can beat the pros
.@psc_live built poker-playing AI that can beat the pros #HPEDiscover https://t.co/umjdH1Zgfb pic.twitter.com/5EfKOmbbty
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 9, 2017
Wednesday, November 08, 2017
@DigitalHeMan on why innovation can happen anywhere
.@DigitalHeMan on why innovation can happen anywhere https://t.co/khVoq9KpIB pic.twitter.com/qVcwAdeQ36
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 8, 2017
#Blockchain has the potential to give us a new golden age of music
#Blockchain has the potential to give us a new golden age of music https://t.co/DNIz3SXb5Q pic.twitter.com/9QkOwZ9CEl
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 8, 2017
Tuesday, November 07, 2017
Tomorrow it's #composableinfrastructure: this is what you need to know.
Tomorrow it's #composableinfrastructure: this is what you need to know. https://t.co/s4DCjZtC0c pic.twitter.com/wZSuWAt6KP
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 8, 2017
Texmark Chemicals uses #data to reduce downtime and focus energy
Texmark Chemicals uses #data to reduce downtime and focus energy #HPEDiscover https://t.co/0lPdhlhXsR pic.twitter.com/vlGssiwru2
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 8, 2017
Monday, November 06, 2017
'HPE announces partnership with R3 to bring #Blockchain to enterprise workloads' post by @MarkusOgurek
'HPE announces partnership with R3 to bring #Blockchain to enterprise workloads' post by @MarkusOgurek https://t.co/7ljQgtDRZt pic.twitter.com/hoAAyMGp9l
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 8, 2017
An engineer from @BancOfCal shared his experience on #HPE #SimpliVity. "It's a game changer".
An engineer from @BancOfCal shared his experience on #HPE #SimpliVity. "It's a game changer". #HPECustomerStories https://t.co/f5cY6gEAYs pic.twitter.com/GTeAkwMDR7
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 8, 2017
Sunday, November 05, 2017
Looking forward to learning new #IoT tips to help expand upon #IT #security #INFOSEC17
Looking forward to learning new #IoT tips to help expand upon #IT #security #INFOSEC17 https://t.co/XKTm3iTOYM pic.twitter.com/tHtkElYZLo
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 7, 2017
HPE’s Next Frontier: Memory-Driven Computing
HPE’s Next Frontier: Memory-Driven Computing https://t.co/hZfHkdorsY
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 7, 2017
Saturday, November 04, 2017
Why blockchain technology may be the next big thing - The Economic Times
Why blockchain technology may be the next big thing - The Economic Times https://t.co/3BOkRLsJ3K pic.twitter.com/THIcyB2at0
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 6, 2017
Computers will take over more and more functions once restricted to humans
Computers will take over more and more functions once restricted to humans https://t.co/1Bwjme6myv pic.twitter.com/R7nb1E6ty9
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 6, 2017
Friday, November 03, 2017
The World’s Most Secure Industry Standard Servers & How HPE Built the Silicon Root of Trust
The World’s Most Secure Industry Standard Servers & How HPE Built the Silicon Root of Trust https://t.co/uC89tmG7hg
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 6, 2017
The trend in #blockchain and #tradefinance is accelerating
The trend in #blockchain and #tradefinance is accelerating https://t.co/YSx6Pbi4ld pic.twitter.com/QMiXHhT6oa
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 5, 2017
Thursday, November 02, 2017
INFOGRAPHICS: A peek under the hood of The Machine full-scale prototype
INFOGRAPHICS: A peek under the hood of The Machine full-scale prototype https://t.co/ldkGOdf02c pic.twitter.com/wO52WKwA3x
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 5, 2017
Industry experts chat about cloud computing and digital business
Industry experts chat about cloud computing and digital business https://t.co/Nig9Wl1S7i pic.twitter.com/GPQwvKzIS0
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 5, 2017
Wednesday, November 01, 2017
Connected cars will help in heralding a new era of eco-friendly transportation #IoT #LivingProgress
Connected cars will help in heralding a new era of eco-friendly transportation #IoT #LivingProgress https://t.co/mFqbE9os3x pic.twitter.com/LbMMvBx357
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 5, 2017
Even Linux servers can go haywire some days! http://bit.ly/2sGmVTM
Even Linux servers can go haywire some days! https://t.co/JUyvCyTzlu pic.twitter.com/uE5QiK6pdW
— Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) June 5, 2017
Installing SSLyze
SSLyze is a Python tool that can analyze the SSL configuration of a server by connecting to it. It is designed to be fast and comprehensive,...
LVM Quick Notes First: Formatting the new Disk Suppose the Disk is /dev/sdb, the second scsi disk, fdisk /dev/sdb create as ma...
GDPR – Why it’s more than an IT issue https://t.co/C6WOEfs6OB pic.twitter.com/xYewkdhWLs — Sujith Emmanuel (@sujithemmanuel) August 16, 201...
A #paymentcard featuring a fingerprint sensor has been unveiled by credit card provider @Mastercard https://t.co/v5I3J26jia pic.twitter.c...